Flood Fill To Corners - Substance Designer Node

I have developed a node to help with generating smooth corners within cell shapes. The purpose is to provide a robust and easy to use node for creating stone like shapes and sculpting edges. Unlike other common methods for generating this effect, this node is independent of cell size and supports per pixel variation.
You can get it on my store page here: 

Sculpt edge corners precisely with a single slider.

Sculpt edge corners precisely with a single slider.

Naturally round off cell shapes or cut corners.

Naturally round off cell shapes or cut corners.

This works by analyzing each cell to identify corners and edges.

This works by analyzing each cell to identify corners and edges.

Supports per pixel sculpting control, allowing for variation within each cell.

Supports per pixel sculpting control, allowing for variation within each cell.

Because the node analyzes each cell. It remains consistent regardless of cell size.

Because the node analyzes each cell. It remains consistent regardless of cell size.

Unlike other common methods which require you to update multiple parameters across multiple nodes each time the cell size changes.

Unlike other common methods which require you to update multiple parameters across multiple nodes each time the cell size changes.

Outputs 3 sets of data to help you sculpt with.

Outputs 3 sets of data to help you sculpt with.